Ramón Carrasco
About Me
How would I define myself? Well... words like dynamic, proactive, and responsible might describe me, but they've been so misused over the years that they've lost all meaning. However, there is something that can speak for me: my professional history. It was at the age of 9 when my first computer entered the house: a Tandon 286 running at 8MHz with 1MB of RAM and a 20MB hard drive. I remember it had something called BASIC, with which you could give commands to that box, and that box did things. And that hooked me. Since then, my life has revolved around computing in general and application development in particular, evolving my knowledge as technology did. From Pascal to the most recent versions of .NET and Java, from applications distributed on 5.25" floppies to cloud-based environments. My current role as Technical Lead in a major international consultancy in the banking sector has helped me enhance other 'soft skills', such as leadership and teamwork abilities, thus completing my skill set and allowing me to quickly adapt to any profile and need.
Years ago, I bought myself a DSLR camera. A simple camera that opened my eyes to a world of creativity and endless possibilities. I admit it's a hobby that requires time, and I don't dedicate as much as I should. However, when my obligations allow, I love to get lost in any photogenic landscape and take a few snapshots.
I'm fascinated by modeling and miniature design, including the mechanisms that allow for automated movements and effects: train models, airplane models, animated dioramas, etc. I believe it's the perfect way to combine my profession with creations that anyone can enjoy.
If you asked a large group of kids about their dream job, many would reply 'fighter pilot.' I was one of those kids. Although life has taken me down different paths, I've been fascinated by aeronautics and everything related to the air since I was young. Now that I'm older, and while I save up to buy my own private jet (note the irony), I entertain myself by playing with flight simulators in my limited free time.